Saturday, 19 November 2011

Jens Pind Chain Maille

I can't remember if I tried to do a Jens Pind pattern before or not.  If I did, it didn't stick in my head, because I must have flipped back and forth through four tutorials and still couldn't figure out the weave.

Here's what it looks like - complete with Dewey hairs and dust.  It's a nice weave, isn't it? 

This is a better view of the completed chain.
A big "thank you" to Crafty Cat Jump rings, who had the only tutorial that said Jens Pind is actually a spiral!  The picture to the right is the same chain, same weave!  Just hold both ends and twist!  Once I knew it was a spiral, it was really easy to put it together and if it got confusing again, I just twisted back into a spiral again and picked up the next part of the pattern.  So if anybody besides me didn't know all that and wants to do a Jens Pind weave, just find a spiral tute - it's a heck of a lot easier!

Corky Relaxing At Home

He's just so modest, isn't he?  Today was the last day of his obedience classes.  Three times, I took the same Lessons In Leadership class, mainly so that he would feel comfortable with other dogs and new people, because, believe it or not, he's shy.  You can see that he's very aware of who's the boss now.

Wire Wrap Commission

This is actually the second PEI penny I was asked to make into a pendant.  Of course, I did the first and gave it to the lady without taking any pictures.  She showed it off to the man who had given her the penny and he decided to have the one he kept made into a pendant for his wife for Christmas.
They're actually stinky little things to wrap, a) because they're so thin, b) because you want as little wrap as possible so the design isn't covered up and c) because you can't do any fancy stuff with the leftover wires at the top for the same reason.  I hate the fancy designs on top  of some wire wraps anyway, they detract from the beauty of a stone. 

The coins are 1855, I think, with Queen Victoria on the flip side, and the little blue stones are iolite, known as the "navigator" stone.  Rather fitting for an Island coin.
The trees are oak - a large tree beside three smaller trees, the coat of arms of PEI.  It's supposed to signify the three counties under the protection of Great Britain, if I recall correctly.

Poor Neglected Blog

Everything since September seems to have been behind and required doing NOW and the blog was neglected.  I'll make up for that today with a flurry of posts.