Saturday 19 November 2011

Wire Wrap Commission

This is actually the second PEI penny I was asked to make into a pendant.  Of course, I did the first and gave it to the lady without taking any pictures.  She showed it off to the man who had given her the penny and he decided to have the one he kept made into a pendant for his wife for Christmas.
They're actually stinky little things to wrap, a) because they're so thin, b) because you want as little wrap as possible so the design isn't covered up and c) because you can't do any fancy stuff with the leftover wires at the top for the same reason.  I hate the fancy designs on top  of some wire wraps anyway, they detract from the beauty of a stone. 

The coins are 1855, I think, with Queen Victoria on the flip side, and the little blue stones are iolite, known as the "navigator" stone.  Rather fitting for an Island coin.
The trees are oak - a large tree beside three smaller trees, the coat of arms of PEI.  It's supposed to signify the three counties under the protection of Great Britain, if I recall correctly.

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